
First fit规则

比如说在unsortedbin中,找到了一个大于用户申请的chunk那么就会把这个chunk截断成最符合用户申请的大小然后返回,而剩下的那一块被填入Prev_size size等控制字段重新放入unsortedbin中。

利用这个规则可以产生UAF(use after free)漏洞。
实在找不到就从top chunk 去切,还不行就调用brk函数增大top chunk(增加量不是很大),用户需求的brk无法满足,就会调用mmap函数去映射一大块虚拟内存给用户使用。


void* ptr = malloc(0xn)
void* matr = malloc(0xm) //其中m小于n

这里在free了这个chunk后并没有让留有该chunk地址的ptr置空,即ptr还是指向者该chunk的user data处地址,毕竟free只是改变了关键控制字段而已。
然后再次malloc一个小于n的m空间,依据first fit规则会将上个chunk的user data处地址返回到matr中。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    fprintf(stderr, "This file doesn't demonstrate an attack, but shows the nature of glibc's allocator.\n");  <==== stderr输出错误信息,没有缓冲区
    fprintf(stderr, "glibc uses a first-fit algorithm to select a free chunk.\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "If a chunk is free and large enough, malloc will select this chunk.\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "This can be exploited in a use-after-free situation.\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "Allocating 2 buffers. They can be large, don't have to be fastbin.\n");
    char* a = malloc(0x512);
    char* b = malloc(0x256);
    char* c;

    fprintf(stderr, "1st malloc(0x512): %p\n", a);
    fprintf(stderr, "2nd malloc(0x256): %p\n", b);
    fprintf(stderr, "we could continue mallocing here...\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "now let's put a string at a that we can read later \"this is A!\"\n");
    strcpy(a, "this is A!");
    fprintf(stderr, "first allocation %p points to %s\n", a, a);

    fprintf(stderr, "Freeing the first one...\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "We don't need to free anything again. As long as we allocate smaller than 0x512, it will end up at %p\n", a);

    fprintf(stderr, "So, let's allocate 0x500 bytes\n");
    c = malloc(0x500);
    fprintf(stderr, "3rd malloc(0x500): %p\n", c);
    fprintf(stderr, "And put a different string here, \"this is C!\"\n");
    strcpy(c, "this is C!");
    fprintf(stderr, "3rd allocation %p points to %s\n", c, c);
    fprintf(stderr, "first allocation %p points to %s\n", a, a);
    fprintf(stderr, "If we reuse the first allocation, it now holds the data from the third allocation.\n");

这里先malloc了两个chunk,然后free掉chunk_a,继续malloc一个0x500的chunk_c.那么就会把之前chunk_a的user data地址返回(first fit规则)。
在chunk_a中先放入 this is A! free后chunk_c再次指向同一个chunk,然后填充 this is C 所以i 最后输出chunk_c 和 chunk_a的内容都是一样的:this is C。如下

This file doesn't demonstrate an attack, but shows the nature of glibc's allocator.
glibc uses a first-fit algorithm to select a free chunk.
If a chunk is free and large enough, malloc will select this chunk.
This can be exploited in a use-after-free situation.
Allocating 2 buffers. They can be large, don't have to be fastbin.
1st malloc(0x512): 0x1526010   <======
2nd malloc(0x256): 0x1526530
we could continue mallocing here...
now let's put a string at a that we can read later "this is A!"  <======
first allocation 0x1526010 points to this is A!
Freeing the first one...
We don't need to free anything again. As long as we allocate smaller than 0x512, it will end up at 0x1526010
So, let's allocate 0x500 bytes
3rd malloc(0x500): 0x1526010   <======
And put a different string here, "this is C!"   <======
3rd allocation 0x1526010 points to this is C!   <======
first allocation 0x1526010 points to this is C!  <======
If we reuse the first allocation, it now holds the data from the third allocation.

至于为啥要mallocyige0x256,这个是为了防止free了chunk_a后chunk_a 和相邻 的top chunk合并(两个相邻的free chunk,fastbin的chunk除外),如果合并了那么chunk_a就没了就不会有first fit来利用了。

Double free


void* ptr = malloc(0xn)
void* ptr1 = malloc(0xm)


这个时候ptr会认为自己得到了一个可以使用的chunk,而这个chunk就是chunk1,与此同时fastbin以为自己这里还有一个free chunk—–chunk1.即chunk1同时被两个指针指向。

Unsorted bin attack

unsorted bin取出chunk的部分:
/* remove from unsorted list */
unsorted_chunks (av)->bk = bck;
bck->fd = unsorted_chunks (av);

所以在取出一个free chunk之前如果能把该chunk的bk字段改为一个特殊地址-0x10那么,就会让unsortedbin认为在取出该free chunk后还要连接bk指向的chunk:



利用堆溢出修改top chunk的 size字段。

我们利用覆盖将top chunk的size覆盖为0xfffffffff(32位最大地址)那么top chunk就会被堆管理器认为是这么大,就可以来覆盖高地址内存空间的值(stack)
现在malloc(-16) ===> malloc_base + 0xfffffff0 ====> (malloc_base-16) + 0xfffffff0+16 ===>malloc_base-16.


  转载请注明: Squarer Heap--初探--基本漏洞

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